Peer Reviewed Studies

The PCPCC has aggregated a growing list of PCMH program evaluation and outcomes data published in peer-reviewed journals. In addition to the outcomes captured on the map, the list of peer-reviewed studies below provides a more comprehensive look at PCMH data from the field (e.g. practice-level data, large scale evaluations not tied to an individual program). 

Titolo Source Date
The Path to Quality in Outpatient Practice: Meaningful Use, Patient-Centered Medical Homes, Financial Incentives, and Technical Assistance American Journal of Medical Quality September 2013
The Patient-Centered Medical Home Is Not a Pill JAMA Internal Medicine September 2013
Health Affairs Logo A Global Budget Pilot Project Among Provider Partners And Blue Shield Of California Led To Savings In First Two Years Health Affairs September 2013
Becoming a Patient-Centered Medical Home Annals of Family Medicine September 2013
Association of care in a medical home and health care utilization among children with sickle cell disease Journal of the National Medical Association August 2013
Health Affairs Logo Transitional Care Cut Hospital Readmissions For North Carolina Medicaid Patients With Complex Chronic Conditions Health Affairs August 2013
Summary of Patient-Centered Medical Home Cost and Quality Results, 2010 – 2013 Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative July 2013
The Patient-Centered Medical Home in Veterans Health Administration American Journal of Managed Care July 2013
Partial and Incremental PCMH Practice Transformation: Implications for Quality and Costs Health Services Research July 2013
Quality and efficiency in small practices transitioning to patient centered medical homes: a randomized trial Journal of General Internal Medicine June 2013
Improving patient experience by transforming primary care: evidence from Geisinger's patient-centered medical homes Population Health Management June 2013
The patient-centered medical home: an evaluation of a single private payer demonstration in New Jersey Medical Care June 2013
Becoming a Patient-Centered Medical Home: A 9-Year Transition for a Network of Federally Qualifi ed Health Centers Annals of Family Medicine May 2013
Patient Experience Over Time in Patient-Centered Medical Homes American Journal of Managed Care May 2013
Spreading a Medical Home Redesign: Effects on Emergency Department Use and Hospital Admissions Annals of Family Medicine May 2013
Quality, Satisfaction, and Financial Effciency Associated With Elements of Primary Care Practice Transformation: Preliminary Findings Annals of Family Medicine May 2013
Effects of Integrated Delivery System on Cost and Quality American Journal of Managed Care May 2013
Process and outcomes of patient-centered medical care with Alaska Native people at Southcentral Foundation Annals of Family Medicine May 2013
Colorado Beacon Consortium: Strengthening the Capacity for Health Care Delivery Transformation in Rural Communities The Commonwealth Fund April 2013
Reducing Long-Term Cost by Transforming Primary Care American Journal of Managed Care March 2013
Impact of a patient-centered medical home on access, quality, and cost Military Medicine February 2013
Health Affairs Logo HealthPartners’ Online Clinic For Simple Conditions Delivers Savings Of $88 Per Episode And High Patient Approval Health Affairs February 2013
V-Bid V-BID in Action: A Profile of Connecticut’s Health Enhancement Program The University of Michigan Center for Value-Based Insurance Design January 2013
Personalized Preventive Care Leads to Significant Reductions in Hospital Utilization American Journal of Managed Care December 2012
Process and Outcomes of Patient-Centered Medical Care With Alaska Native People at Southcentral Foundation Annals of Family Medicine November 2012
Health Affairs Logo Results From A Patient-Centered Medical Home Pilot At UPMC Health Plan Hold Lessons For Broader Adoption Of The Model Health Affairs November 2012
Factors Associated with a Patient-Centered Medical Home Among Children with Behavioral Health Conditions Maternal Child Health October 2012
Medical Home Program: Blue Cross Blue Shield Alabama BlueCross BlueShield Alabama October 2012
Health Affairs Logo A Global Budget Pilot Project Among Provider Partners And Blue Shield Of California Led To Savings In First Two Years Health Affairs September 2012
Impact of Medical Homes on Quality, Healthcare Utilization, and Costs The American Journal of Managed Care September 2012
Early Results Show WellPoint’s Patient-Centered Medical Home Pilots Have Met Some Goals For Costs, Utilization, And Quality Health Affairs September 2012
Horizon’s PCMH Program Shows Practices Need More Than Payment Changes To Transform Health Affairs September 2012
Colorado’s Patient-Centered Medical Home Pilot Met Numerous Obstacles, Yet Saw Results Such As Reduced Hospital Admissions Health Affairs September 2012
Health Affairs Logo Early Results Show WellPoint’s Patient-Centered Medical Home Pilots Have Met Some Goals For Costs, Utilization, And Quality Health Affairs September 2012
FACT SHEET: Blue Shield of California and Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) Blue Cross Blue Shield of California August 2012
Risk-adjusted payment and performance assessment for primary care Medical Care August 2012
Health Affairs Logo The ‘Alternative Quality Contract,’ Based On A Global Budget, Lowered Medical Spending And Improved Quality Health Affairs August 2012
Patient-Centered Innovation in Health Care Organizations: A Conceptual Framework and Case Study Application Health Care Management Review July 2012
Recommended Core Measures for Evaluating the Patient-Centered Medical Home The Commonwealth Fund May 2012
Reducing Long-Term Cost by Transforming Primary Care: Evidence From Geisinger's Medical Home Model American Journal of Managed Care March 2012
Patient-Centered Medical Home Characteristics and Staff Morale in Safety Net Clinics JAMA Internal Medicine January 2012
Accountable care organizations, the patient-centered medical home, and health care reform: What does it all mean? Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine September 2011
Health Care Spending and Quality in Year 1 of the Alternative Quality Contract New England Journal of Medicine September 2011
Health Affairs Logo Reinventing Medicaid: State Innovations To Qualify And Pay For Patient-Centered Medical Homes Show Promising Results Health Affairs July 2011
Multipayer Patient-Centered Medical Home Implementation Guided by the Chronic Care Model The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety June 2011
Relationship of clinic medical home scores to health care costs Journal of Ambulatory Care Management January 2011
Value and the medical home: effects of transformed primary care American Journal of Managed Care August 2010
Health Affairs Logo The Group Health Medical Home At Year Two: Cost Savings, Higher Patient Satisfaction, And Less Burnout For Providers Health Affairs May 2010
Health Affairs Logo Driving quality gains and cost savings through adoption of medical homes. Health Affairs May 2010
Are Higher-Value Care Models Replicable? Health Affairs Blog October 2009
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