In the News

A national survey found that 15% of health care workers who had been offered the vaccine said no, with nursing home personnel more likely to refuse than hospital staffers.
“Among people who are vaccine hesitant, trust for their healthcare professionals, their doctors and nurses, is much, much higher than for the government, the pharmaceutical companies.”
Even as manufacturers reported extraordinary efficacy results for the first COVID-19 vaccine candidates, a nationwide survey by CVS Health (a PCC Executive Member) found significant hesitancy to getting vaccinated among respondents. Our...
Researchers examines how policymakers can learn from primary care providers’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic to better support community-based health providers. The decisions by private insurers and the Center for Medicare...
Doctors’ offices are overflowing with inquiries from patients who hope to get the vaccine, even though most physicians do not have doses to offer. Overwhelmed with all the requests, staff members in some private medical offices are sending...
Black Americans have been catching the coronavirus, getting severely ill and dying from it, at a rate higher than other racial and ethnic groups in the U.S. Black Americans are also less likely to want to get the COVID-19 vaccine,...
States are rushing to administer the COVID-19 vaccines as fast as possible, and some states have been more successful than others.  North Dakota has one of the best vaccination rates in the country, according to data from the CDC. The...
Even as the coronavirus vaccine becomes more widely distributed, lots of Americans say they're still not sure they'll get one. A December study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that about a quarter of Americans remain hesitant. What's...
What should a post-pandemic health care delivery system look like? And what role should primary care physicians hold in this system? Medical Economics® sat down recently via Zoom with Mark McClellan, M.D., Ph.D., to discuss that...
The vaccine rollout in the United States is progressing — albeit not as quickly as anyone would like. But there isn’t a single “vaccine rollout” — instead responsibility for distributing the vaccines has been delegated to states, and some...
Many medical personnel who care for COVID-19 patients have struggled to get vaccinated. Clinicians in private practice, those who work for staffing agencies and others who are not directly employed by hospitals or long-term care facilities...
The virus infecting thousands of Americans a day is also attacking the country's social fabric. The coronavirus has exposed a weakness in many rural communities, where divisive pandemic politics are alienating some of their most critical...
Amazon is expanding its partnership with Crossover Health in DFW, opening four new neighborhood health centers in the region. The value-based model is directly contracted between Amazon and Crossover, cutting health insurance companies out...
Dr. Dale Okorodudu, an African-American doctor and the founder of Black Men in White Coats, aims to make an impact on the world by helping develop future leaders in medicine. He recently organized a youth summit with a goal to inspire...
The number of applicants [to medical schools] is up 18% this year over last year, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges, or AAMC, driven by the example of medical workers and public health figures such as Dr. Anthony...
The Affordable Care Act is once again under threat because Republican attorneys general have banded together to argue before the Supreme Court that the individual mandate is unconstitutional and therefore the entire law should be...
Vermont has...remained an island of low coronavirus spread generally. Even with a recent surge — from fewer than 10 cases per day in September to 57 on November 18 — it’s consistently had one of the lowest infection rates in the...
CHICAGO – Millions of children have missed routine vaccinations this year, causing a precipitous drop in immunizations that threatens to leave communities throughout the U.S. at risk of losing protection against highly contagious diseases...
Thousands of medical practices have closed during the pandemic, according to a July survey of 3,500 doctors by the Physicians Foundation, a nonprofit group. About 8 percent of the doctors reported closing their offices in recent months,...


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