News Room

PCC is excited to sign on to the American Academy of Pediatrics's letter of support for the Kid's Access to Primary Care Act of 2020. Ensuring that children have consistent access to quality care is essential. The Act would bring Medicaid...
The PCC is excited to sign on to the a letter supporting Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) and their efforts to reintroduce the Protecting Jessica Grubb's Legacy Act.  This bipartisan legislation will modernize...
It is well understood that stress is a significant predictor of poor mental and physical health and health-harming behaviors, such as alcohol and substance use, poor sleep, and so forth. The unequal distribution of stressors is believed to...
As health care payment models become more value-based, health care systems are increasingly interested in approaches that address both medical needs and social determinants of health.    This isn’t surprising. Services delivered in the...
The United States spends roughly twice as much on health as other developed countries, over $10,000 per person in 2017. But compared with its peers, the U.S. spends less than half as much on primary care, and maybe that’s the problem....
Primary care is at the heart of the care delivery system. Over three-quarters of the general population only require primary care services in a given year. Yet primary care rates have been declining in recent years. Such a contrast...
Visits to primary care doctors have been falling for decades in the U.S., and rising out-of-pocket costs are the main, although not the only, reason why. That is the conclusion of two recent studies of trends in visits to primary care...
The United States ranks lower in many healthcare measures than other similarly developed nations, an issue that can largely be credited to poor access to primary or preventive care, according to a new report from the Commonwealth Fund....
Good news, kind of. New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that the United States reversed a three-year decline in life expectancy in 2018, thanks to gains made in combating opioid deaths and to improved...
Good news, kind of. New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that the United States reversed a three-year decline in life expectancy in 2018, thanks to gains made in combating opioid deaths and to improved...
Efforts across the U.S. in recent years to encourage medical students, nurse practitioners and others to go into primary care, especially in underserved areas, are built on a consensus in research: Primary care is good for patients. "It's...
The nurse practitioner workforce more than doubled over a seven-year span as the healthcare industry ramps up primary care, according to new research. The number of NPs grew at an unprecedented rate across major professions from around 91...
January 30, 2020 (WASHINGTON, DC) – The Primary Care Collaborative (PCC) today announced the appointment of Darilyn Moyer, MD, FACP; Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, American College of Physicians (ACP), as Chair of...
Despite having fewer doctors, U.S. health spending totals more than $10,000 per person per year, mainly due to private insurance costs (premiums and employer-sponsored coverage) the report found. At $4,092 per capita, American private...
At the heart of his biggest health care initiative as governor, Charlie Baker is proposing a fundamental shift in how Massachusetts delivers care. Baker has called for new mandates to increase the amount of money health care providers and...
When Michigan elected to expand its Medicaid coverage, the state customized its program to emphasize primary care and preventive health services. Studies are showing the approach is paying off for patients. The Healthy Michigan Plan,...
Is there an optimal number of patients that primary care physicians should care for? Turns out there isn’t enough evidence to draw any conclusions, according to a new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. After reviewing 28...
What would a better health care system for all Americans be like? This is the question that the American College of Physicians (ACP) has been asking of its members since July 2018, when the ACP Board of Regents asked ACP's Health and...
The healthcare industry has in earnest attempted to transform not only clinical outcomes, but also the financial aspect of care for about a decade now. Yet progress with the adoption of alternative payment models (APMs) has been slow,...
Some people spend $200 a month on the golf course or on a fancy cable TV package, says David Westbrook, a hospital executive in Kansas City, Mo. His splurge? He pays Dr. John Dunlap $133 a month for what he considers exceptional primary...


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