News Room

Political debate over the Affordable Care Act has defined the health policy political landscape for nearly a decade.  The impassioned back and forth over whether to “repeal and replace” or strengthen and defend the law has been a focus of...
Who are your patients and what do they need? That's a key question not only for providing care, but for getting paid. One way to find out is through behavioral segmentation, which seeks to understand patient preferences according to...
The Food and Drug Administration announced Tuesday that it is developing a framework for regulating artificial intelligence products used in medicine that continually adapt based on new data. The agency’s outgoing commissioner, Scott...
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina and Duke University Health System have together formed Experience Health, a new health insurance company created to meet the unique needs of seniors in today’s fast-paced world.   Experience...
The U.S. government on Monday said it would increase by 2.53 percent on average 2020 payments to the health insurers that manage Medicare Advantage insurance plans for seniors and the disabled, a reflection of a new estimate on medical...
In an effort to promote downside financial risk adoption, accountable care organizations (ACOs) and other providers are calling on the CMS Innovation Center (CMMI) to increase transparency and improve stability. The National Association...
The patient moved into a large assisted living facility in Raleigh, N.C., in 2003. She was younger than most residents, just 73, but her daughter thought it a safer option than remaining in her own home. The woman had been falling so...
There is an urgent need for innovative interventions to help primary care providers support individuals with dementia and their family caregivers without adding to their already full workload. To be sustainable, these innovations must be...
On March 28, 2019, Judge John D. Bates of the District of Columbia found major provisions of the Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) final rule on association health plans (AHPs) to be unlawful. The rule’s interpretation of “employer” to include...
Until recently, when the North Dakota human services agency had an opening for a mental health provider, months might go by before a single application came in. But that’s started to change as the state boosts telemedicine as an option...
Older adults and their families often wonder: Where’s the best place to recover after a hip or knee replacement — at home or in a rehabilitation facility? Increasingly, the answer appears to be home if the procedure is elective, friends...
A handful of accountable care organizations are moving to cover an entire state, but not everyone thinks bigger is better when it comes to population health management. Caravan Health, a company that works with ACOs, last week announced...
Graduating osteopathic physicians are increasingly planning to practice in primary care, a trend researchers say shows that loan forgiveness incentives are influencing new doctors' choice of specialty, according to a new study in the...
The chairman of the Senate health committee on Tuesday backed new federal regulations to remove roadblocks patients can face in obtaining copies of their electronic medical records. “These proposed rules remove barriers and should make it...
March 26, 2019 The Honorable Seema Verma Administrator Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services US Department of Health & Human Services Hubert H. Humphrey Building 200 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20201 Adam Boehler...
According to a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, a greater number of primary care physicians per capita was associated with improved life expectancy, suggesting that physician supply has an important effect on population health....
Burnout is one of the biggest problems physicians face today. We believe that addressing it early — in medical school — through coaching gives physicians the tools they need to maintain balance and meaning in their personal and...
The patient appeared to be dying. She had chronic lung disease, and she had been told she had little reserve left and had barely survived on home oxygen for the past few years. Each time she picked up a lung infection, the buzzards circled...
After a great discussion by our panelists, webinar guests had many questions. While we did not have time to answer all of them, our panelists were able to answer some additional questions after the webinar had ended. If you haven't yet...
A new study suggests that the use of telemedicine in primary care could potentially lead to further fragmentation of care. It’s possible that the use of the technology could lead to disconnected care, counteracting the benefits of...


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