E-tool & Patient Portal Use

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) identified six key focus areas to measure effective patient and family engagement in clinical practice. The intent of this metric is to have an electronic tool that allows patients to access their medical record and have an easy, direct way to communicate with providers.

Related Resources

October 2015
This comprehensive document contains programs, practices and research to support the integration of patient and family engagement, and specific strategies for Patient and Family Advisory Councils.
National Academy of Medicine Patient & Family Council Leadership Network
October 2019
The go-to resource for latest updates and background information on the Quality Payment Program (QPP) from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
September 2019
Patient portals are becoming more prevalent, as healthcare providers, payers, and patients become more comfortable with their use. A 2017 survey found that 82% of patients reported having logged into their provider’s patient portal at least once – a drastic change from a similar 2013...
Patient Portals: How can they impact primary care?
April 2018
This document outlines how patient and family engagement activities can improve health outcomes and achieve TCPI program-specific metrics, which align with quality payment program standards. Links to additional resources for a deeper dive are also provided. 
Northern New England Practice Transformation Network
April 2018
This document outlines how the Choosing Wisely program can help practices achieve TCPI program aims, which align with the Quality Payment Program.
Maine Quality Counts, PCPCC
April 2018
The toolkit is designed to help rural communities identify and implement a care coordination program. It also provides links to resources and best practices.
Rural Health Information Hub
March 2018
The Mayo Clinic Shared Decision Making National Resource Center provides decision aids and decision-making techniques. Tools are available for specific conditions and in English and Spanish. 
Mayo Clinic
November 2016
In November 2016, PCPCC offered a special one-day training for patient advisors, family caregivers and their clinician partners. This page contains presentation slides from the sessions, and highlight tools and strategies for implementing patient and family engagement strategies.
March 2016
This change packet was originally created as a guide for practices participating in the Transforming Clinical Practies Initiative. It outlines tangible steps to meet TCPI goals, which align with Quality Payment Program standards. 
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